USANA Products Review

USANA Collection of Cellsentials

USANA Product and Multivitamin Review – Lets Look Under the Hood.

In order to accurately measure if USANA is really a worthwhile product to consume, we need to step it back a notch before we take a look and deliver a USANA Product Review.

If I can take you back a number of years…and stay with me here because a story can often resonate with you rather than reviewing a flashy vitamin product review.

There was a Microbiologist and Immunologist back in the 1970’s called Dr Myron Wentz. He had his own business working hard under the microscope infecting healthy human cells with viruses and diseases so he could take the next step and develop viral testing kits for hospitals.

One very common testing kit was the Epstein Barr Virus, or you may have heard of Glandular fever…or dare we say it ‘the kissing disease’ as it was once known.

Dr Wentz was the very first person to develop the testing kit for Epstein Barr Virus which are still used in hospitals today, and he continued on to develop dozens of viral testing kits recognized and used, globally.

Dr Myron Wentz today is know as one of the pioneers in Microbiology and Immunology.

But it doesn’t stop there.

During his time at Gull Laboratories, Dr Wentz infected billions of healthy human cells with a range of viruses, and believe it or not, human cells were expensive to buy (despite each of us having 50 trillion of them circulating our body).

However, instead of buying new human cells to continue his research, Dr Wentz developed an understanding on how to keep human cells alive and free from disease using nutrition.

He thought to himself ‘I’ve been keeping human cells alive for over 2 decades, free from disease’ he then continued to have, what we could call a ‘Thomas Edison’ moment.

What if he developed a similar nutritional blend that he had been using in this Labs and start to improve his own health.

He went on to discover that instead of being the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, he could be the fence at the top offering powerful nutritional support products to help keep the body healthy.

USANA. Not just a Vitamin. USANA is the Leader in Cellular Research.

At that moment, USANA Health Sciences was born.

In 1992 Dr Myron Wentz started his new venture in the Nutritional Sciences dedicated to supporting the health of millions of people around the world. USANA now spans close to 30 countries around the world.

So how does all this transpire to be a world leading nutritional support product, second to none?

Well, don’t take our word for it. Dr Lyle MacWilliam, a biochemist from Canada put together a comparative guide to the nutritional supplements. A trusted Nutritional Products Review which was originally delivered to medical practitioners to evaluate the effectiveness of multivitamins and minerals.

In Dr MacWilliams Guide, over 500 nutritional products were compared to an independent nutritional benchmark, developed from the individual recommendations of seven recognized scientific authorities.

Comparative Guide to USANA Products

Graphical comparisons of over 500 American and Canadian nutritional supplements, along with their final product scores allow the consumer to separate the what products are effective and what nutritional products to stay away from.

The Comparative Guide has become one of the most trusted guides for nutritional supplements in North America today.

USANA Products have not only been reviewed for potency, uniformity and bioavailability, they have been tested under some of the most rigorous of quality testing processes.

Still today, years after the guide started USANA is still listed as the highest rated nutritional supplement product out of over 500 products tested.

USANA Products have been reviewed by ConsumerLab who regularly test hundreds of supplements each year.

ConsumerLab have given USANA Health Sciences a Seal of Approval and go on to say ‘Whats on the label is inside the bottle’ and was named the No.1 Rated Brand based on Customer Satisfaction in.

Dr MacWilliams comparative guide health support profile while testing over 500 nutritional supplements compiled:

  1. Completeness. Where the products contain the blended standard nutrients in other words the full spectrum of nutrient categories.
  2. Potency. There are 47 essential nutrients and nutrient categories used in the blended standard each product and the nutrient profile compare to the blended standard.
  3. Mineral forms. Minerals are central components for the human cell and many enzyme controlled reactions. High scores were based on the most bio-available minerals found in the blended standard.
  4. Vitamin E Forms. Do the formulations contain natural or synthetic vitamin E forms.
  5. Immune support. Many vitamins and minerals are required for healthy immune system. The comparative guide reviews each product for the quality of the vitamins used.
  6. Antioxidant support. The potency of antioxidants within the blended standard need to factor up to 100% antioxidant support.
  7. Bone health. Does the product contain vitamin D, K, Vitamin C, folic acid, boron, calcium, magnesium, silicon and zinc in the required dosages?
  8. Heart health. Does the product contain heart focused nutrient blends?
  9. Liver health and detoxification. Does the product contain the essential nutrients to help the body effectively detox?
  10. Metabolic health. Does the product contain 100% of the potencies for these nutrients in the blended standard covering Vitamin B’s Vitamin D, Selenium and CoQ10?
  11. Ocular health. Does the product contain nutrients supporting eye health.
  12. Methylation Support. Does the product contain effective natural anti-inflammatory vitamins.
  13. Lipotropic Factors. Both the brain and liver accumulate fat soluble toxins. Does the product contain important lipotrophic factors?
  14. Inflammation control. Does the product contain effective, high quality nutrients to help support chronic inflammation.
  15. Glycation Control. The product contain nutrients that help support the molecular structures which can get damaged by oxidative stress.
  16. Bioflavonoid profile. Flavonoids are known as natures biological response modifiers because of the reaction to allergens viruses and carcinogens. Does the product have a powerful bioflavonoid profile?
  17. Phenolic Compounds Profile. Does the product contain Phenolic compounds which reduce oxidative stress and free radical build up?
  18. Potential Toxicities. All effective nutritional supplements need to be tested for potential toxicity.

Over 500 nutritional companies were tested and reviewed, USANA was rated five stars. A significant accomplishment for a nutritional research manufacturer. When you go to review your product manufacturer make sure that you look at the comparative guide to nutritional supplements and see how your product compares.

The top rated products listed in this guide covers not only the quality, but the level of research into the formulations with also the quality in manufacturing.

This is a reflection of the control practices across the manufacturing process ensures you are choosing the highest rated nutritional support product on the market.

USANA Is Trusted to Over 3000 Athletes


Trust is a major factor for any professional elite athlete. This trust doesn’t happen with just a company saying ‘We Are Good’. USANA Product Reviews go far deeper than what you would ever expect.

USANA Athletes

USANA Health Sciences needed to have independent studies and guarantees in place before even one professional athlete started taking USANA products.

To take it a step further and Usana went on to review their policies and guarantees for professional athletes.

They started the athlete guarantee program which affirms a commitment to the athletes that they are providing the best nutritional products available on the market today.

The USANA athlete guarantee program selects athletes who are at their peak, who are well known in their chosen field, athletes who know the importance of nutrition is to their sport.

The Athlete program is based on a very powerful guarantee that if any athlete who test positive for a band substance under the world anti-doping agency regulations as a result of taking any of USANA’s products, gets two times their current annual earnings up to US$1 million dollars.

Now that is a company that backs their product.

A Company Founded on Good Principles and Solid Evidence

USANA manufactures their products in the house in Salt Lake City, Utah under the strict pharmaceutical good manufacturing practices.

USANA Scientists

The USANA facility is an FDA registered facility. USANA believes in supporting a holistic lifestyle which covers eight primary factors. Check our USANA Product Reviews

  1. They want to supply a whole food based product range
  2. Their food range is certified low glycaemic.
  3. Any health based company supports proper hydration
  4. Advises quality sleep.
  5. Helps to reduce stress and manage this effectively
  6. Continue with regular exercise
  7. Practice mindfulness
  8. And take high-quality science based vitamin and mineral products.

USANA today houses over 150 scientists. Their backgrounds are biochemistry, molecular and cellular biologists, nutritionists and dieticians, sports science experts, pharmacists and many more disciplines.

Where their research and development in the life sciences, USANA remains the forefront of scientific innovation and research.

USANA manufacturers the highest quality science based nutritional support products available on the nutritional market they are backed by a potency, and uniformity guarantee.

USANA has about 60 nutritional, weight management and skincare products currently with a new USANA Active Nutrition Range which rolled out in June 2021 and today is one of the fastest moving weight management and nutrition ranges.

Active Living is a movement of ideas and products that support healthier lifestyles.

How to Review USANA’s Products Vs. Food Standard Multivitamins

USANA has proven for the past 30 years they are the number one nutritional support product on the market.

A comparison of a pharmaceutical grade nutritional product next to a food standard, or supermarket branded product is like putting a Toyota Corolla against a Maserati in a race.

They’re both called cars, both are available to purchase – but we’re clear, there is no comparison with speed and quality.

The same goes when you review USANA products against another brand of product in the marketplace.

One of the most important things to consider when taking a food standard supplement is to look at the recommended daily allowance on the nutritional panel. These percentage of values were created back in the 1950s.

The RDAs are no longer valid to support the health of the human body.

Science tells us we need way more nutrients than what is found on the shelves in the supermarket.

There is a popular saying – Don’t trust your health to the lowest bidder.

Trusting USANA To Deliver Value.

We can’t place a value on our lives. As a former health professional, I recall stories from my clients who if they had their time again, would make different choices. 

They would take time out to relax and spend more time creating nutritionally dense food options, over fast convenient food choices which inevitably put their bodies in a position where they’re finding that challenging to improve their health.

Nutritional supplements play such an important role in healthier bodies. They can support mental well-being, support weight management, and look after the largest organ on the body – the skin.

Why We Need To Supplement.

Copaprime USANA

Insufficient vitamin intake can go onto to cause degenerative diseases. A landmark review of nearly 40 years of scientific evidence by researchers convince the Journal of American medical Association to review its policy guidelines regarding the use of nutritional supplements.

The authors concluded the average diet, while effective at preventing acute vitamin deficiency diseases is woefully in adequate to support long-term health.

Many of us grew up understanding the importance of good food and nutrition, this food was supposed to take care of our vitamin requirements.

There is a lot of evidence today, especially coming out over the last 10 years that additional vitamins and minerals can help prevent modem day diseases we deal with every day*.

USANA Products have been tested, reviewed and put under the Microscope, so to speak, since it’s inception. A guarantee on quality second to none.

So tell me, what vitamin supplement do you want to take?.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


  • Nutritionist and Wellness Advocate

    Dale is a Qualified Nutritionist and owner of two successful health businesses; Newlives Nutrition and My Action Project Ltd. Dale has been consulting in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years and is a well-known speaker and educator having consulted with thousands of individuals over the years as well as working alongside the New Zealand Fire Service and SAS Soldiers.

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